Here you'll find the materials you need for this great encounter


Final evaluation of MAGIS 2023



Here you will find maps of the areas that make up Vila MAGIS.

Vila MAGIS location

Estrada da Torre 28,
1750-296 Lisboa

Vila MAGIS - General


S. Afonso Rodrigues

Quinta das Conchas e dos Lilases


Use these materials to deepen the spiritual dimension.

DPilgrim's handbook - Interactive

The pilgrim's daily companion for almost everything

DPilgrim's handbook - Digital PDF

The pilgrim's daily companion for celebrations - english and spanish

DPilgrim's handbook - Digital PDF

The pilgrim's daily companion for celebrations - english and portuguese


Aquí encontrarás el seguimiento de la eucaristía en inglés y español.

Readings and prayers

Aquí encontrarás las lecturas de cada día.

MAGIS songbook

Absolution formula

To be used by the priest during confession.


This is the official MAGIS 2023 program. Find out everything here.

MAGIS 2023 detailed program

Portuguese version

MAGIS 2023 detailed program

Spanish version

MAGIS 2023 detailed program

English version

MAGIS 2023 program

Portuguese version

MAGIS 2023 program

Spanish version

MAGIS 2023 program

English version

Bring up your talents

Bring up your talents is a time to deepen in a practical way on the Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus for the decade 2019-2029.
Check the options and register in the one you want to attend. You can only register one. Use your ID in your credential. Sessions have limited capacity. If the one you chose is full, choose another one.

The Freedom of Missing Out
Showing the way to God
HostMichael Rossmann, SJ
EspaçoS. Rafaela Maria - conference room

Many of us struggle to commit to someone or something. Commitment scares us, but it's actually what frees us. This session is meant to help people get over the fear of missing out (FOMO) so that they can experience the freedom that comes from making a good decision and saying YES to what is important.

Body and spirit: do not separate what God has joined together
Showing the way to God
HostACI Sisters
IdiomaEnglish, Spanish

Become aware that we are body, that we have sensations... and that these connect with everything that is deeper in us: feelings, thoughts, interiority. We are all connected, we live in community as a Body. In the Church we are BODY... what experience of body do we have? The way of synodality.

UA spiritual moment with CLC
Showing the way to God
HostMaria Francisca Silva, Vinicius Riechi Pereira, Reyna Lomocso, CVX-CLC
IdiomaPortuguese, English, Spanish
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - chapel (GF)

Introduction to the CLC way of life and prayer, experience of prayer in CLC mode and spiritual conversation with the community.

No one has ever seen God. Observational drawing as an exercise of faith.
Showing the way to God
HostNuno Branco, SJ
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 10 B (2nd floor)

Through artistic experience we will try ways to communicate God's grace.

Painting a prayer
Showing the way to God
HostFrancisco Rodrigues (Pica)
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 11 C (2nd floor)

In this workshop we’ll be praying, painting and offering the results so that others may pray. As simple as that.

Branches of the same tree
Showing the way to God
HostInstituto Padre António Vieira invites Sheik David Munir and P. Gonçalo Castro Fonseca, SJ
IdiomaPortuguese, English
EspaçoS. Rafaela Maria - pateo

Conversation around the Ubuntu manifesto with representatives of different religions

Praying and singing
Showing the way to God
HostRui Fernandes SJ
IdiomaPortuguese, English, Spanish
EspaçoMAGIS Arena

Hymn rehearsal for the Eucharist

Singing Prayer
Showing the way to God
HostCristobal Fones, SJ
IdiomaEnglish, Spanish
EspaçoNossa Senhora da Conceição

A shared moment of prayer through songs

26' Peddy Paper
Walking with the excluded
HostTeresa Paiva Couceiro, Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira
IdiomaPortuguese, Spanish and English
EspaçoOutside Vila MAGIS Meeting point: check-in

Walk through Alta de Lisboa exploring the space in connection with the issues of Global Citizenship, Education, International Volunteering, the Society of Jesus.

Is hope an utopia?
Walking with the excluded
HostACI Sisters
IdiomaEnglish, Spanish
EspaçoS. Estanislau Kostka - pateo

Let's talk about hope! What gives you hope? What takes your hope away? From 4 different perspectives: theology, the poorest, young people and education.

The Economy of Francesco: Giving a new soul to the Economy
Walking with the excluded
HostAfonso Espregueira, SJ
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 10 A (2nd floor)

After an introduction about the Economy of Francesco and what we can learn from Ignatian spirituality, participants will discuss social, economic and environmental challenges of today's world, using the fishbowl methodology.

Building Hope... With Bamboo!
Walking with the excluded
HostAna Pina, ACI
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 10 D (2nd floor)

Sustainable development program with Bamboo, in Sukaria village, Borneo Island, Indonesia.

Building Bridges: How Jesus shows us how to reach out to LGBTQ friends
Walking with the excluded
HostJames Martin, SJ
EspaçoS. Inácio de Loyola

Often we think about welcoming LGBTQ people into the church as something 'new', but it's really based on how Jesus treated people 'on the peripheries'. We'll reflect on a few Gospel stories that will help us think about what Jesus might be calling us to do today.

Tell me about João and Teresa, Susan and Mary
Walking with the excluded
HostAfonso Santos e Maria Marques de Almeida, Instituto Padre António Vieira
IdiomaPortuguese, English
EspaçoS. Estanislau Kostka - entrance

Based on the idea that the table is a place of encounter, conversation and relationship building, you will have the opportunity to find tables characteristic of various cultures and trigger conversation between people with different backgrounds. To unblock the conversation, you will have some cards available with questions that can serve as a guide.

Dança do descanso
Walking with the excluded
HostPaulo Teia, SJ
EspaçoS. Inácio de Loyola - foyer

In faith in Jesus there is rest. So why are you so tired?
A guided tour through photography.

Enhancing mental health, positive peace, and public happiness
Walking with the excluded
HostHelena Águeda Marujo, Coordinator of the UNESCO Chair on Education for Global Peace Sustainability
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 12 D (2nd floor)

Educating for peace and public happiness are part of a bigger aim of enhancing positive mental health, recognising the current challenge and need to experience quality of life as a whole, not only for individual purposes, but concurrently dedicated to a common goal: promoting felicity conditions for the common good. In a moment in time where many of us are unease with our individual and collective lives, but also feel the need to maintain and be voices of hope, this workshop will invite to reflect upon and practice creatively a set of strategies, fundamental in science, that concur to the aims of peace, collective happiness and positive mental health.

Ignatian Hip-Hop
Journeying with Youth
HostMichael Martinez, SJ
IdiomaEnglish, Spanish, Portuguese
EspaçoNossa Senhora da Conceição - cript

Hip-Hop performance of original music by Mike Martinez, SJ Aka the 'Jesuit Rapper'. Music will be performed in English, Spanish and Portuguese.

Magis Asia Pacific Gathering
Journeying with Youth
HostAlexander Koko Siswijayanto, SJ

Since 2015, Jesuit Conference of Asia Pacific Youth Ministry has started a network of Jesuit and lay youth ministers. It will be such a rare opportunity for young people and their youth ministers from Asia Pacific to gather in the same place in Vila Magis in Lisbon. To keep aflame this growing spirit of youth in Ignatian formation, the JCAP Youth Ministry would like to take the opportunity to gather all delegates from Asia Pacific countries. We will invite all country coordinators to bring their delegates to this gathering.

The Lord of the Rings and Christianity
Journeying with Youth
HostJoão Carlos Onofre Pinto, SJ
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 11 B (2nd floor)

In this lecture I will try to show how in The Lord of the Rings we can find mirrored great characters and themes of Christianity. Thus, for example, there are traces of the figure of Christ that appear 'distributed' by different characters (Christ-priest in Frodo; Christ-prophet in Gandalf; Christ-king in Aragorn). As regards themes, we can list, among others: temptation, sin, spiritual struggle, the Eucharist, etc. Underlying this exposition is a philosophical-spiritual 'thesis': by 'circling' through 'unreality' or fiction we can grasp something more of the depth of reality; today's crisis of faith is also a crisis of imagination, which is why fiction (literature, cinema...) can be a great help to a deeper understanding of some Christian themes.

Let´s dream our place in the Church of tomorrow!
Journeying with Youth
HostJoana Viana Lopes
EspaçoS. Estanislau Kostka

Starting from the synodal journey, we will explore and dream together about the place of the laity in the Church of tomorrow. Baptismal grace and the sensus fidei inaugurate an authority that must be discovered and valued so that the Community we are may become ever more real and fruitful. The building of the Kingdom of God on earth needs to be reinvented from within in order to truly touch the world.

Jesuit Brothers: Is it also a vocation?
Journeying with Youth
HostBr. José Silva, SJ
IdiomaPortuguese, Italian, Spanish
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 11 A (2nd floor)

Conversation on the vocation of a Jesuit brother, the specific vocation of this way of following St. Ignatius of Loyola and his mission in the Society of Jesus.

BOOM Ignatian Creativity
Journeying with Youth
HostKike Delgado
IdiomaEnglish, Spanish
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 11 D (2nd floor)

Workshop aimed at Ignatian creatives and leaders that explores five triggers for innovation in the design of experiences and services based on Ignatian identity and spirituality.

Associação Casa do Monte - Who are we?
Caring for our Common Home
HostRita Rosado, Associação Casa do Monte
EspaçoS. Estanislau Kostka - Music Room

We are an association born from a family project inspired by Laudato Si. We intend to contribute to a more sustainable, regenerative and happy rural community, contributing to an effective integral ecological conversion, arousing new behaviors and new lifestyles!

Living the Ecologic Transition in faith
Caring for our Common Home
HostGabriel Pigache, SJ
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - Cloister

From the depths of our gratitude, let’s share our pain for the world, experiencing our solidarity with all beings, sketching out the contours of a desirable future.

Christian values and ethics in today's economy: A role-play approach.
Caring for our Common Home
HostJoão Freire de Andrade
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - 10 C (2nd floor)

Learn about Christian values and ethics (inspired by Pope Francis' vision for the economy). Be part of a role-play where an open-ended case study is worked. Bring home topics to enlighten how to position on your local challenges.

Truth and Tolerance: Can one coherently claim that Christianity is the ‘true religion’ in contemporary secular society?
Caring for our Common Home
HostJoseph Hill, SJ
EspaçoS. Francisco Xavier - conference room

This seminar will discuss this question based on a reading and discussion of a chapter of Ratzinger’s book, Truth and Tolerance. The seminar will engage Ratzinger’s responses to the relativism of modern culture and its rejection of all religious truth claims. In particular, we will focus on Ratzinger’s responses to the assertions that the cultural particularity of all beliefs undermines any claim to universal validity, and that all religions are indeed paths to salvation.


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